As a French native, I am always happy to see Americans and French companies working together. This time, it is about a collaboration based on innovation. On May 26, a delegation consisting of Limoges officials and entrepreneurs came to Chicago. The purpose of the visit is the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between one of our affiliates, the Technology Park at the Illinois institute of Technology and the ESTER Technopole at the University of Limoges (France). The officials were joined by 5 companies interested in learning more about the business opportunities available to them in Chicago and the Midwest.The companies participating into this program were carefully selected by ESTER. It made it easier for us to identify and approach American companies and organizations. As a result, 21 appointments were conducted over 3 days. The first feedback have been very positive with promising outcomes for the companies.Having done this kind of program for quite some time now, I can say that this mission was one of those I enjoyed the most. The organizers were very professional in their approach. We were able to collaborate very closely and make this project happen in a very short timeframe. Above all, we had a strong commitment from the local officials. This combination of ingredient is a major factor of success for matchmaking programs (or “speed-dating for business” as my wife calls it).The next step is to help American entrepreneurs discover Limoges and how its business and technology community can facilitate their own development in France and Europe.For example, if you are using ceramics, or developing technologies related to ceramics, I strongly recommend considering a visit to Limoges for the annual conference called Ceramic Network, June 18 & 19, 2015.FB international LLC and its partner, the European cluster for ceramics, will cover registration fees, lodging and meals for buyers during their stay, or facilitate business meetings if you are exhibiting your products or technology (fees apply, for more information please visit In addition, FB International LLC will offer to all American participants registering through its office a free assistance during the two days of the conference. For more information, please click here.Furthermore, those who have a ceramic product or technology and consider entering the European market, FB International LLC can assist you in obtaining a free space in Limoges (upon availability) at the incubator. For more information, please click here.
Author: admin
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FB International, LLC has more than 30 years (20 years in Chicago) of diverse functional, industry, and geographic experience in US, Europe and Asia.
We are experts in global value chain with experience in logistics, production, research and development, audit, and roles such as CFO, VP of Human Resources, and Senior Consultant in International Business Development.